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La comunidad/community in maps & photos

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Mapping Washington DC’s Latino History & Affordable Housing | La Historia de los Latinos y la Vivienda Justa

Today we conclude our Fall Special Issue but we still have many more maps, photos and oral histories. Hola Cultura will continue publishing new work through Hispanic Heritage Month, so come back again soon!

El día de hoy concluimos con el número especial relacionado a vivienda de bajo costo, “mapeo” del barrio, salud y comunidad. Sin embargo, continuaremos publicando material durante el Mes Hispano, así que mantenganse sintonizados y por aquí nos vemos.



⊕  Foto Retratos | Neighborhood Portraits

by Herbert Ramirez

⊕ Home Sweet Hogar: Additional Resources for finding Affordable Housing

 by Emily Birnbaum

⊕  Making the Maps: Mapping Change in Adams Morgan, Mount Pleasant and Columbia Heights

Story by Benjamin Brokaw, maps by Nicholas John, Elvis Herrera and Byron Marroquin

⊕    LA CASA – Housing

by Luis Alberto Ambroggio 

Quote of the Day | Cita del Día

Based on current total development costs and subsidy levels, the authors estimate it would cost $3.1 to $5.2 billion to develop the additional affordable units needed to meet the rising demand for affordable housing projected through 2020.   —The Urban Institute