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Latino Murals: past and present | Murales Latinos: pasado y presente

muralesÚnete a la charla en torno al muralismo Latino en Washington DC ayer y hoy. Con la participación de artists y especialistas en el tema. Presentamos un mapa interactivo que celebra la herecia hispana en la ciudad.

Join Hola Cultura, artists and community members for an evening honoring DC’s Latino mural tradition. We’ll present our interactive map that charts the locations of murals, even ones destroyed long ago. Come share your stories and recollections in this roundtable on the legacy of street murals that enrich and beautify our city.

Weds., Sept. 24, 7 to 9 p.m.

Carlos Rosario International Public Charter School
1100 Harvard St NW
Washington, DC 20009
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