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La salud y el barrio | How “place” determines health

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Today we look beyond housing to discuss the role your whole environment, including your neighborhood,  plays in your health and well-being.

Hoy vamos a ver ir más allá de la vivienda de bajo costo y discutimos lo relativo al ambiente en que uno vive y la relación que guarda este con la salud y el bienestar.

Quote of the Day | Cita del Día

“Understanding the relationship between how population groups experience “place” and the impact of “place” on health is fundamental to the social determinants of health,” according to U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. In fact,an entire range of personal, social, economic, and environmental factors  are key “determinants of health.”   — U.S. Department of Health and Human Services


⊕  La Saludo y el Barrio: How the environment we live in dictates our overall well-being

by Julianna Hollinsed 

⊕  D.C.’s Latino Community Spaces| Espacios Comunitarios

Mapas/Maps by Elvis Herrera

Oral Histories by Hola Cultura interns

Click here to read about the team that created this series | Si desea saber quienes colaboraron con la serie, AQUI